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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's not about "me" -- It's about "we"

"Even though we want huge individual egos, 
our collective ego is unbelievable." 
~Mike Krzyzewski
This week, I am continuing my series of posts about characteristics common among successful individuals.  Last week we talked about one of the most difficult characteristics to master – resisting the urge to conspire against others.  Today, we are going to cover another very difficult-to-master trait…Moving from thinking “me” to thinking “we.”

The great ones understand that they cannot do it all alone.  They understand that only with help from others can they achieve truly great things.  Depending on the author/source, they speak about this concept, but use different language.  Regardless of who is speaking on the matter, they all agree – you have to leave the “ego” behind, and start thinking “bigger.”  When you only care about your own self interests, you operate out of fear and scarcity, and competition becomes the name of the game, and productivity, morale, efficiency, and potential are severely limited.

Instead, I encourage you to operate from the “spirit.”  Think "large" – think of things in terms of love and abundance.  When you do this, you will start to transcend the fear-based mentality that limits your potential; only then can you see the “big picture” and start to really transform your life and how you view the world.  Instead of competition being the name of the game, and looking for individual success, you will move toward collaboration being the name of the game, and looking for the success of the collective whole.

Think about how you talk – notice the words you use when you discuss your accomplishments and goals.  Do you use words like “I” or “me” often, or do you notice yourself using words like “we” or “us?”  Listen to the people around you.  Are they talking about the great things they do and how they want to make a difference, or do they talk about how they can make the company they work for or their family better?  Do they put others down to make themselves look and feel better, or do they talk up their peers with positive encouragement?

I challenge you to focus your efforts on making the transition from “me” to “we.”  Leave the ego behind, along with the fear.  Try to view everything from terms of love and abundance.   You may surprise yourself with how big of a difference it truly makes.

Think love and abundance, and great things will follow!

I wish you all the best!


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